Toovet Hiking Trail: The “bunny trail” is the easy way up!
Toovet Hiking Trail in Laguna Beach is an easy trail extending towards the ocean from the intersection of Valido Trail and St Tropez Trail. This short trail offers some beautiful views of the coast from just below Aliso Peak.

(South Laguna Coastline from Toovet Hiking Trail)
If you’ve already made the effort to hike up the slightly more difficult Valido Trail, then Toovet is a very easy, level hike on a wide dirt path to get to a viewpoint, but definitely don’t miss out… circle back and make the brief climb to soak in the spectacular views of Aliso Peak!
If you’re bringing the kids along, remember to tell them that “toovet” means brush rabbit in native Acajchemem! (Especially, if you’re hiking around Easter, so you can sing the “Bunny Trail” song!)
Technically, there is no access to Toovet Trail from the streets below. However, if you really wanted to get there from the street- you could walk up Alta Loma and get there from the water tank access road. The climb up is very easy, with only a gradual grade. Once you reach the water tank, you stay to the right of the fence, follow the trail to the right and keep climbing and you’ll easily arrive at Toovet Trail. From the street to the trail, it only takes about 15 minutes, and then you can follow Toovet back to the Aliso Peak hiking trail so you can enjoy the views!
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